Docklands Art Collective

Renew Australia is a national social enterprise designed to catalyse community renewal, economic development, the arts and creative industries across Australia.

They work with communities and property owners to take otherwise empty shops, offices, commercial and public buildings and make them available to incubate short term use by artists, creative projects and community initiatives.

Renew Australia, along with The District Docklands wanted a logo for the Docklands Art Collective to activate and engage the local community by connecting the currently vacant spaces at Harbour Town with local makers, artists and arts groups to form a vibrant creative precinct.

KEY WORDS: ‘Connecting . Simple . Clean . Contemporary . Architectural . Interactive’

Re-invigorating and referencing the history of the Docklands in a contemporary way through simple connecting ‘containers’ housing the typography in the logo. The three words are interacting in intriguing ways which leads the audience on a journey of discovery and tells of the ‘collective’ nature of the project in a subtle, clean and contemporary way. It alludes to that of a sodoku, scrabble, or crossword game which is interactive, engaging and uses connecting letters to make up a whole word, somewhat like a collective; bringing a diverse range of creatives together into the one collective group.

Renew Australia curated the available spaces with interesting and diverse creative enterprises. Over the life of the project, the Docklands Art Collective team displayed their work and hosted the wider creative community in weekly and monthly exhibitions, participated in Sunday markets and offered workshops and classes from life drawing and macrame to paper-making and puppetry. Overall – a big success!


 Docklands-Art-Collective-Brand-Identity-by-Studio-Mimi-Moon-2 Docklands-Art-Collective-Brand-Identity-by-Studio-Mimi-Moon-2 Docklands-Art-Collective-Brand-Identity-by-Studio-Mimi-Moon-2 Docklands-Art-Collective-Brand-Identity-by-Studio-Mimi-Moon-2Docklands-Art-Collective-Brand-Identity-by-Studio-Mimi-Moon-2 Docklands-Art-Collective-Brand-Identity-by-Studio-Mimi-Moon-2